Inner Axis

Inner Axis method developed Max Strom enhances our connection with ourselves by using the simplest, but most powerful tool we have, our own breath. With worldwide epidemic of stress and sleep issues this practice offers tools for anyone to feel better and sleep better. Breathing technique taught in Inner Axis class, called Ocean Breathing, is very effective; it improves how you feel already within few minutes. Adding movement and yoga postures with it, makes the body stronger and more flexible. Inner Axis remedies common aches and issues that are typical from sitting in front of a computer, using smart devices or just by having a busy life; like back pain, stiff shoulders and neck area, sleep dysfunction, restlessness and anxiety. The breath and movement combined will introduce relaxed, yet focused state of mind and body.

Inner Axis is accessible for anyone, from complete beginners to more experienced yoga practitioners as different levels are offered during the class. No flexibility or experience is required, the aim of this practice is to enhance your well-being, not to achieve certain shapes. You will not be pushed deeper into postures or asked to work harder than you would like. Therefore, this practice suits you even if your body is tight or you just have a very busy schedule. In addition to breath-based movement each class has a guided visualization and relaxation techniques to take with you. Language is ordinary English, open to people with all backgrounds, beliefs and ideologies.

Inner Axis is special due the focus on Ocean Breathing. Deep and conscious breath calms our nervous system and reduces levels of stress in many ways physically and emotionally. When we connect with our breath we are less affected by distractions or unplesantries that we might encounter. Our breath is also a great way to connect with our feelings and emotions and take a pause, rather than let our mind to relive past moments or create the future. Increased awareness of how we breathe and feel enhances how we perform in any situation that life brings us. When we practice this during Inner Axis lesson, it will become easier also in other moments; with our loved ones or in our professional life. These benefits makes Inner Axis is a subtle, but also a strong practice.

To learn more about Inner Axis and Max, please visit his website.